Friday, June 10, 2011

20 weeks on the nose.

Tonight was a great night.  i love blue sea was honored by 7x7 magazine for best sustainable seafood in the city.  They had big party down at Ghiradelli Square with tons of free food and free booze (but not for me!).  Then I picked up Justin and we went to dinner at Tataki South, it's an amazing sustainable seafood restaurant in Noe Valley with an author, Becky Selengut who was visiting.  It was an amazing meal of purely sustainable seafood, prepared in the most miraculous ways. 

Good thing Dr. Meister says eating raw fish is fine, because I definitely scarfed some down tonight!  Then we headed back to North Beach for a drink at Firenze By Night.  Chris was on fire tonight with his usual comedy routine at the bar.  It was such a perfect way to end the evening. 

Ronan (as we've decided he's named) was kicking a bit today, but not nearly as much as the last few days.  I'm trying not to freak out about that though. 

We've decided on Ronan for the name, it means little seal in Gaellic.  It also means masterless samurai in Japanese (Ronin) and Song or Joy in Hebrew (Ronen).  I love all of those definintions, so I think this name just might stick.  So exciting. 

I'm going to bed now to get myself and Ronan some sleep.  Big day tomorrow, we play hooky from work to go to the Santa Cruz Boardwalk for Ted's Birthday.  So fun!  

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

19 weeks - 5 days

So I've been really bad at blogging.  The motivation levels have been in converse proportion to the number of work hours.  Needless to say, I've been working a lot.

The big news of the day is... I think we decided on a name.  Ronan James Fedewa.  It can be spelled Ronin, Ronen or Ronan.  I think we're leaning towards Ronan so far.  It means "little seal" in gaelic which just about makes my heart melt.

I'm really getting excited to meet our little Ronan.  And even more, I'm looking forward to having him stop kicking me in the bladder.  :)  I love him already though, so I'll allow it.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

19 weeks - 3 Days

I've missed a few days, it's been a fun and busy weekend!  We had friend in town and a gorgeous wedding at Bix. Carol and Chris rented the entire restaurant for the night.  It was a swanky affair and Justin looked amazing, he's so handsome. 

The baby has been kicking up a storm - usually about 15 minutes after I eat.  Especially when I eat berries, he loves cherries! 

I'm way past my bedtime so I'll have to cut this short.  :(  Monday morning at 5:45 comes way too soon sometimes. 

Friday, June 3, 2011

19 weeks - 1 day late

Yesterday was busy with a ton of fun stuff.  This city is so beautiful it hurts me sometimes, and this month is my 10 year anniversary with one of my great loves - San Francisco.

We had a sustainable seafood event at the California Academy of Sciences and walking around in there made me so excited for when we could bring the little peanut along.  So many cool things to show off.  I remember the first time Justin and I went there, there's nothing like seeing a museum through Justin's eyes.  He's so smart that he points out things that I would never notice.

I can't wait to see my boys hanging out here, I think we're going to have to become members.

Claude the albino alligator was in fine form last night.  Literally, I thought he was a sculpture.  He was laying so still on his rock that when he finally moved it startled me.  Talking to one of the docents, I found out two fun facts - that Claude is blind and that rock is heated.  No wonder he loves laying on it.

The event itself went really well with cooking demos and people crowding me for their free tote bags.  It's nights like these that make me think i love blue sea might just make it.  And if not, then I'm sure having a (mostly) fun time trying.

I stopped and hot a hot fudge sundae at Swensen's on the way home.  Not the healthiest dinner for my peanut, but it was delicious and there was a parking spot available.  I always figure that's the SF cosmos' way of telling me to pull over and get some ice cream.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

18 weeks, 6 days - and it's a boy!!!

Today was very eventful, we got a fetal screening to determine the sex of the baby.  We also got to see each and every little bit of the baby.  There are 10 fingers, 10 toes, and a little teeny tiny penis!  ]

There was a scary moment when the doctor pointed out a bright spot on the baby's heart.  He explained that babies with Down Syndrome tend to have the spot, but that it's not necessarily indicative of Downs.  The basic break down is that we moved from a 1 in 20,000 chance of Downs to a 1 in 8,000 chance of Downs.  The high risk category begins at 1 in 200, so we are still at very low risk and that's enough talk about that.

We're so excited to have a little boy, but it turns out all the names we've been looking at were girl's names.  Now we've really got to get to work on figuring out some good boy's names.  There are so many, I'm trying not to stress about it.  We have more than 20 weeks to go and I'm sure something will come to us.

The baby is kicking up  a storm now, although it's still very light.  Every time I relax the baby goes to town, it's so fun to feel.  Can't wait for the kicks to be stronger so I can share them more easily with Justin.

My heartburn is setting me on fire, but at least the baby is getting all the calcium he'll be needing from the Tums I'm eating!  It was a pretty good day emotionally, even with the roller coaster news at the doctor. But Justin has been a rock, even though I'm sure it must have freaked him out too.  What a great husband.

If you look closely here, you'll see what I think is proof of Justin's eyebrows!  :)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

18 weeks and 5 days...

The name of this blog should really be 21 weeks in San Francisco, since I'm already in my 18th week of pregnancy.  I've written in a journal twice since we found out I was pregnant, but my handwriting sucks, so I could never motivate. 

For the sake of my pregnancy addled brain, I'm now keeping a blog of this process so I can look back on at least half of the experience and the life I was leading while gestating this little life. 

The husband and I live in San Francisco, in a cute little apartment on Telegraph Hill.  We hope to stay here for a while (rent control rocks!), so hopefully the 1 1/2 bedroom apartment doesn't get too small, too fast. 

Tomorrow we get to find out the sex of the baby, I'm hoping I'll be able to sleep tonight.  It's such big news and such a cool thing to be able to know this early on. 

So far we have a list of baby names for boys and girls, I'm getting excited to narrow down the list.  Although I'm seriously in love with the name Harbor for either a boy or a girl. I figure my kid will hate their name regardless, so we might as well go with something we love. 

On the emotional front, I'm feeling super attached and lovey towards Justin right now.  I just want to be around him 24/7.  Good thing he's tolerating me and my gassyness, bitchiness and my need to eat once every 15 minutes or so.  I've gotten really lucky.

Off to sleep, feels like I'm doing a lot of that lately.  I took a two hour nap when I got home today and I'm already tired again.  Making a baby is hard work.